
A Diary of Loss: Sarah Brahim at Bally Foundation

3 Min read

Sarah Brahim. She said, it’s always two bodies. 2023. Video on sculpture. Still. Image courtesy of the artist and Bally Foundation


When the Skies Clear: Group Show at B7L9

What happens after the storm? The turbulent inquiry is at the heart of B7L9’s latest…
4 Min read

A Depraved World: Tala Madani at EMΣT

With women’s rights ever under threat, the question of gender equality and how this might…
3 Min read

Wael Shawky

Canvas: What were your thoughts when you were selected to represent the Egyptian Pavilion at…
3 Min read

Mounira Al Solh

An opulent ceremonial round tent made in the 19th century and currently owned by the…
5 Min read