
Weathered Yet Weathering: Group Show at Art Sonje Center

4 Min read

Seif Kousmate. Untitled-, from Waha واحة series. 2020–24 ⓒ Seif Kousmate


Natural Rhythm: Group Show at Baltic

Templo del agua, río Tyne (Water Temple, River Tyne) (2023),by Colombian artist Leonel Vásquez, borrows…
5 Min read

All-over, everything, everywhere: Hamid Zénati at Nottingham Contemporary

As I push open the door and step into Hamid Zénati: Two Steps at a…
3 Min read

Conversations with Water: Sea Art Festival 2023

For the second time in a row, Ilgwang Beach in Busan hosts this year’s Sea…
3 min read

The Power Within: Khalil Rabah at Fondazione Merz

Three weeks before Khalil Rabah’s exhibition Through the Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind…
6 Min read