07 Jun 2024 - 27 Oct 2024

Younes Rahmoun: Darra-Zahra-Jabal

La Kunsthalle de Mulhouse


Younes Rahmoun, a major figure in the Moroccan contemporary art scene, will be presenting a selection of works centering around the concept of migration at La Kunsthalle Mulhouse.

Experiencing Younes Rahmoun’s work means accepting to look within ourselves and think about what we are. His commitment lies in thought, his work is part of a quest for humble and transcendent forms. His concepts will inhabit the contemporary art center’s exhibition space to question us about the idea of migration and challenge our capacity for adaptation. Throughout the exhibition, the artist’s metaphorical language asks us how a seed can take root in soil far from its native land.

Rahmoun’s pieces are built out of figures, metaphors, and signs. He creates from gestures, with a preference for modest objects that he finds close by in his living space and within his culture, gestures that he has always observed or employed, objects found near his home in the Medina of Tetouan or the Rif Mountains. Sampled and collected from daily life, they become his alphabet from the moment he isolates them, transcends them, and invests them with his conception of the world.

Darra – The Atom

Invisible to the naked eye, the atom is the smallest part of a body considered in the organization of matter. Represented by a circle, it embodies an absolute and perfect form. It exists on the lowest end of the spectrum of values and represents a limit beyond which we sense an unattainable infinity.

Zahra – The Flower

In the flowering stage, the seed breaks through the earth, leaving darkness and isolation behind to enter the realm of the visible. Faced with the world, it seeks out its place among the others and learns to compose in a game with many rules. It receives, gives, shares, and composes with diversity and multiplicity. The flower is seductive and unique but also fragile since it lives only a short while before giving way to the fruit it precedes.

Jabal – The Mountain

The mountain represents strength and immutability. It is both the breeding ground and the epicenter of life. As a visual and symbolic landmark, it provides stability and refers back to the origins of a people or an individual. It hosts both human and plant life, sheltering and nourishing them.

Press release from La Kunsthalle Mulhouse

Image: Younes Rahmoun. Exhibition view of Darra-Zahra-Jabal. 2024. Photography by Emilie Vialet © La Kunsthalle Mulhouse

Mulhouse, France