
All-over, everything, everywhere: Hamid Zénati at Nottingham Contemporary

3 Min read

Hamid Zénati. Textile 167, untitled. Undated. 246 x 154. Image courtesy of the Hamid Zénati Estate


The Strata of Life: Wael Shawky at Sfeir-Semler Gallery

Ancient civilisations, myths and the transformative nature of stories are themes that Egyptian artist Wael…
3 min read

Spellbinding Nostalgia: Abdulmohsen Albinali at Ab-Anbar Gallery

Abdulmohsen Albinali’s In the Dreamer’s Dream is the Saudi-born artist’s first solo show at Ab-Anbar…
4 Min read

Walking With the Emperors: De Renava Biennale

In a small room cocooned in an archway over an alley in the Corsican clifftop…
4 Min read

The Power Within: Khalil Rabah at Fondazione Merz

Three weeks before Khalil Rabah’s exhibition Through the Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind…
6 Min read