ArtConversation Dyala NusseibehCanvas: How has your approach evolved since you were appointed as Director in 2016? Since… Canvas Staff 8 November 2023 5 Min read
ConversationMétiers d'Art Philippe DelhotalCanvas: You designed the Hermès H08, which is presented in this year’s Crafting Time and… Canvas Staff 24 October 2023 2 Min read
ArtConversationEvents Laure d'HautevilleAli Y Khadra: What prompted the creation of MENART, and what is the importance of… Ali Y Khadra 6 October 2023 5 Min read
ArtConversation Kader Attia and Mandy El-SayeghCanvas: How did you two come together? Mandy El-Sayegh: I’ve been a great admirer of… Canvas Staff 5 October 2023 5 Min read
ArtConversationEvents Farah AbushullaihCanvas: What brought about the partnership between Ithra and the Royal Commission for AlUla? Farah… Canvas Staff 22 August 2023 2 min read
ArtConversation Shahpour PouyanDr Penny Dan Xu: You are known as a ceramic sculptor, but you were first… Dr Penny Dan Xu 23 June 2023 3 min read
ConversationMétiers d'Art Denis MontelCanvas: How is the Hermès Abu Dhabi store different to other locations that you’ve worked… Canvas Staff 23 June 2023 2 min read
ArtConversation Morteza PourhosseiniCanvas: You studied painting at university, but has this medium always spoken to you?Morteza Pourhosseini:… Canvas Staff 22 June 2023 2 Min read
ArtConversation Aziz MotawaCanvas: What draws you to the medium of photography?Aziz Motawa: I must have been around… Canvas Staff 21 June 2023 2 Min read
ArtConversation Katya TraboulsiCanvas: It’s been rumoured that you received a mortar shell as a gift when you… Canvas Staff 20 June 2023 2 min read
ArtConversation Ziad Al NajjarHow does nature inspire your work?Ziad Al Najjar: I’m trying to recreate the patterns found… Canvas Staff 14 June 2023 2 Min read
ArtConversation Haroon MirzaWhy do you describe your practice as “adisciplinary”?Haroon Mirza: The term ‘discipline’ is problematic because… Canvas Staff 29 May 2023 2 Min read