
Chasing Ghosts: Raed Yassin at Beirut Art Center

3 Min read

Raed Yassin. You have won you Bastard!. 2024. A Japanese representation of Satan that greets BAC visitors, on show through Sept. 7, 2024. Image courtesy of the artist and Beirut Art Center


A Depraved World: Tala Madani at EMΣT

With women’s rights ever under threat, the question of gender equality and how this might…
3 Min read

Reality Check: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa

The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa opened in 2004 with a mission…
5 Min read

Dispatches from Hong Kong: Abu Dhabi Art 2023

Recent months have seen a markedly increasing presence of Middle Eastern art in Southeast Asia,…
2 min read

Natural Rhythm: Group Show at Baltic

Templo del agua, río Tyne (Water Temple, River Tyne) (2023),by Colombian artist Leonel Vásquez, borrows…
5 Min read