Berna Reale. Cantando na Chuva. 2014. Video still. 72.5 x 107 cm.. Image courtesy of Museo Fueguino de Arte Centro Cultural Yaganes
and Bienalsur

Zak Ove, Autonomous Morris, 2018. Exhibition view: Frieze Sculpture, Regent’s Park, London. Image courtesy of Lawrie Shabibi and Frieze Sculpture 2019

Jaume Plensa. Laura Asia’s Dream. 2018 Exhibition View: Frieze Sculpture, Regent’s Park, London Galerie Lelong & Co. Image courtesy of Frieze Sculpture

Siah Armajani. Bridge Over Tree. 1970/2019. Wood, steel and evergreen tree. Image courtesy of Public Art Fund. Photography by Timothy Schneck.