Art News

Sharjah Biennial 2025 Initial Artist List Announced

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Left to right: Natasha Ginwala, Megan Tamati-Quennell, Zeynep Öz, Alia Swastika and Amal Khalaf. Photography by Danko Stjepanovic. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation


Qatar Museums, Sharjah Art Foundation Sign MOU with Hong Kong's West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Qatar Museums and Sharjah Art Foundation have signed Memoranda of Understanding (MUOs) with the West…
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Curators of Asian Art Biennial 2024 Announced

The curators of the Asian Art Biennial 2024, organised by the National Taiwan Museum of…
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Hoor Al Qasimi Appointed as Artistic Director of the 2026 Biennale of Sydney

Hoor Al Qasimi has been announced as the next artistic director of the Biennale of Sydney. For…
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Panos Aprahamian awarded the Han Nefkens Foundation – Museu Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2024

The recipient of the Han Nefkens Foundation – Museu Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2024…
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