
The Power Within: Khalil Rabah at Fondazione Merz

6 Min read

Khalil Rabah. Acampamento Vila Nova Palestina. 2017. Detail. Image courtesy of the artist


Being Natural: Nabil Nahas at Lawrie Shabibi

Bursts of colour and a personal fusion of geometry and nature characterise the oeuvre of…
4 Min read

Create, Resist, Repeat: Group Show at ICD Brookfield Place

An array of mysterious sounds were instantly compelling as one entered the curiously titled exhibition…
3 Min read

Ambiguous Liaisons: Fahd Burki at Grey Noise

Over the years, Fahd Burki has intentionally maintained a reluctance to provide a fixed narrative…
5 Min read

New Perspectives: Group Show at Mathaf

The future Lusail Museum in Doha, due to open in 2026 with the largest collection…
4 Min read