
When the Path Runs Out: Alia Farid at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter

3 Min read
alia farid 1

Alia Farid. Chibayish. 2022. Video still. Commissioned by the Whitney Museum of American Art in connection with the Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It Is Kept. Image courtesy of the artist


Amani Al Thuwaini

 Canvas: How did you first get into art? Amani Al Thuwaini: Very organically. I was…
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A Sense of Belonging: Group Show by NEON, Athens

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Walking With the Emperors: De Renava Biennale

In a small room cocooned in an archway over an alley in the Corsican clifftop…
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A Diary of Loss: Sarah Brahim at Bally Foundation

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