Katya Traboulsi

Canvas: It’s been rumoured that you received a mortar shell as a gift when you…
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Ziad Al Najjar

How does nature inspire your work?Ziad Al Najjar: I’m trying to recreate the patterns found…
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Haroon Mirza

Why do you describe your practice as “adisciplinary”?Haroon Mirza: The term ‘discipline’ is problematic because…
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Ahmad AlAreef

Canvas: Let’s begin with your influences. Much of your work deals with history and heritage,…
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Ali Eyal

You currently have two shows running concurrently, In The Head’s Sunrise at Brief Histories in…
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Badr Ali

Have you always worked with drawing?My background is in traditional classical painting, something that I’ve…
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Abdelkader Benchamma

Has drawing always been your primary medium? Why do you gravitate towards it?I have always…
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Bassam Al-Sabah

What first drew you to using digital media and CGI in your work?I lived in…
2 Min read

Firas Shehadeh

Your most recent work There, Where You Are Not (2022) explores the internet and digitality…