
Losing Our Way: Group Show at 421

4 Min read

Shiraz Bayjoo. Lateb Larenn (The Queen’s Table). 2024. Dye sublimation ink on canvas, batik fabric, braided trim, sapele wood, hemp rope, brass. 100 x 175 x 300 cm. Commissioned by Colomboscope 2024. Supported by British Council (Biennials Connect Grant) and Jhaveri Contemporary


In Harmony: Art in Resonance at The Peninsula Hong Kong

For the month of March, the city of Hong Kong comes alive with art and…
2 min read

Renewal in Ancient Wisdom: Vuslat at the Tophane-i Amire Culture and Art Center

Encircled by poetic incantations, whirling clay entities and fragments of forgiveness, a rope of gilded…
3 Min read

Standing Strong: Group Exhibition at Istanbul’74

A capsized sailboat is poised to glide across the sky on a hillside overlooking Istanbul’s…
4 Min read

Forensic Architecture

When Gaza City’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital was hit by a missile on 17 October last…
4 Min read